Type hints are one of my favorite features in Python 3. Starting with Python 3.0 PEP 3107 – Function Annotations introduced function annotations and was later enhanced by PEP 484 – Type Hints in Python 3.5 and PEP 526 – Syntax for Variable Annotations in Python 3.6.

To this point Python (Python < 3) had no type declaration for variables, classes, methods or functions. A type of a variable comes with the object the variable is pointing to. Type declaration can still be something useful if you need it and it makes your code more explicit. I’m working a lot on APIs and I need to ensure only validated data will be accepted. This is where type hints come in handy, with a little extra work though, because even with annotated variables Python will not enforce those types out of the box. For type checking your code you may have a look at mypy. There is also an Atom plugin called linter-mypy. This article will cover a simple example for type checking at run time.

def addition(number: int, other_number: int) -> int:
    return number + other_number

mynumber: int = 1
myother_number: 1 = 1

print(addition(mynumber, myother_number))
# -> 2

mystring: str = 'Hello'
myother_string: str = ' World!'

print(addition(mystring, myother_string))
# -> Hello World!

The syntax is pretty straight forward and as you can see it’s possible to pass in two strings into addition(int, int), which means type checking is not enforced. To change that we need to find out if a variable or a parameter is annotated or not.

As of now (Python 3.6.5) the syntax for variable annotations is implemented but the function to inspect the annotations get_type_hints(...) is not yet enhanced to support PEP 526. That’s why I will not cover variable type inspection at this time.

from typing import get_type_hints

def addition(number: int, other_number: int) -> int:
    return number + other_number

# -> {'number': <class 'int'>, 'other_number': <class 'int'>, 'return': <class 'int'>}

The function get_type_hints(obj[, globals[, locals]]) inspects a module, class, method or function and returns it’s input signature as well as the return type. Based on this information we can validate the input arguments to addition(...).

from typing import get_type_hints

def validate_input(obj, **kwargs):
    hints = get_type_hints(obj)

    # iterate all type hints
    for attr_name, attr_type in hints.items():
        if attr_name == 'return':

        if not isinstance(kwargs[attr_name], attr_type):
            raise TypeError(
                'Argument %r is not of type %s' % (attr_name, attr_type)

def addition(number: int, other_number: int) -> int:
    validate_input(addition, number=number, other_number=other_number)
    return number + other_number

print(addition(1, 2))
# -> 3

print(addition(1, '2'))
# -> TypeError: Argument 'other_number' is not of type <class 'int'>

validate_input(...) now ensures that only valid data types are passed into addition(...), though always calling validate_input(...) is not very “Pythonic”, using a decorator would be much nicer.

from typing import get_type_hints
from functools import wraps
from inspect import getfullargspec

def validate_input(obj, **kwargs):
    hints = get_type_hints(obj)

    # iterate all type hints
    for attr_name, attr_type in hints.items():
        if attr_name == 'return':

        if not isinstance(kwargs[attr_name], attr_type):
            raise TypeError(
                'Argument %r is not of type %s' % (attr_name, attr_type)

def type_check(decorator):
    def wrapped_decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        # translate *args into **kwargs
        func_args = getfullargspec(decorator)[0]
        kwargs.update(dict(zip(func_args, args)))

        validate_input(decorator, **kwargs)
        return decorator(**kwargs)

    return wrapped_decorator

def addition(number: int, other_number: int) -> int:
    return number + other_number

print(addition(1, 2))
# -> 3

print(addition(1, '2'))
# -> TypeError: Argument 'other_number' is not of type <class 'int'>

Using a decorator improves readability and decouples the data validation step from the function logic. Maybe you noticed the step where *args are translated to **kwargs. As get_type_hints(...) returns a dict of argument name and data type, we need to ensure the same structure for the arguments passed into addition(...). If we would just pass in *args the arg -> value mapping would be lost and we wouldn’t know which value belongs to which argument.

Of course this kind of type checking is only a very simple example how you could approach it. It doesn’t cover more complex scenarios like default values or nested data types.